
Excellent read!!! Could hardly put it down. I highly recommend this book. Hope to find more of Hughes’ books to enjoy.

Danielle Morrison 

Cloistered Secrets is the first book in a very long time that I have started and finished reading the same day I received it. I only put it down long enough to fix a quick microwave dinner. Ms Hughes is truly a gifted author. She paints pictures with words. Her characters are developed in such a way that you can almost see them. The settings in her book are so well detailed that you feel as though you have been to Ireland yourself. Her effective use of flashbacks and foreshadowing further unfolds the plot, and is so well written that the reader doesn’t have to flip back to the last chapter to follow what is happening. Imagine an apprehensive environment where someone you loved and trusted maliciously betrays and shatters your trust and hopes. Ms Hughes gives the reader a glimpse behind the veil of secrecy surrounding malevolence within the church. Although the book is fiction, it could very well have been based on a true story. I’m looking forward to reading her next book.

M Sheehan

I am often hesitant to read debut novels from new authors, but it had been awhile since the last time so I thought I might try one again, and I am glad I did. Hughes has a way with words and does a great job with building the personalities of the characters (a trait that marks a great author) to the point that you feel as if they are long lost friends. The story engulfs you and pulls you in to the world of Hughes’ imagination. The book will give your emotions a real work out. If you like the great mystery, stories with twists and turns then you will love this book. The book accomplishes what all books are supposed to accomplish, it pulls you away from your everyday life of work and bills and drops in on an emotional journey between its two covers. This book shows that Mrs Hughes is more than an author, she is a true story teller, and I am eagerly awaiting the next one.

Buddy Williams Jr

Ms Hughes is an excellent author–writer, story teller! Her fourth novel, Possession of Willowland Manor, is another page-turner, smooth and fast paced. Great cast of characters who jump off the page as if they’re someone we might know. Each character development is perfect, and her scene descriptions pull the reader right into the story.
Looking forward to her next book!!

M Sheehan

The book has a deep story coupled with great writing, character development, and few twists just for good measure. Hughes has several good books out and this one is a favorite of mine. Don’t miss out just get it now. Thanks so much Mrs. Hughes for including us in this story I can’t for the next one.

Eugenia Williams